原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/6639 错误提示: 滤波函数bl… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV 滤波函数blur()提示:error: (-5:Bad argument) in function ‘blur’,Overload resolution failed: Can’t parse ‘ksize’. Input argument doesn’t provide sequence protocol
分类: Python错误集锦
Python错误集锦:OpenCV bitwise_or()图像和标量数据按位或error: (-209:Sizes of input arguments do not match) The operation is neither ‘array op array’ (where arrays have the same size and type), nor ‘array op scalar’, nor ‘scalar op array’ in function ‘cv::binary_op’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5921 错误提示: OpenCV… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV bitwise_or()图像和标量数据按位或error: (-209:Sizes of input arguments do not match) The operation is neither ‘array op array’ (where arrays have the same size and type), nor ‘array op scalar’, nor ‘scalar op array’ in function ‘cv::binary_op’
Python错误集锦:opencv subtract计算图像和标量减法时提示error: (-215:Assertion failed) type2 == CV_64F && (sz2.height == 1 || sz2.height == 4) in function ‘cv::arithm_op’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5838 错误提示: opencv… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:opencv subtract计算图像和标量减法时提示error: (-215:Assertion failed) type2 == CV_64F && (sz2.height == 1 || sz2.height == 4) in function ‘cv::arithm_op’
Python错误集锦:OpenCV-Python imwrite()写入图像时提示error: (-2:Unspecified error) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function ‘cv::imwrite_’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5375 错误提示: … 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV-Python imwrite()写入图像时提示error: (-2:Unspecified error) could not find a writer for the specified extension in function ‘cv::imwrite_’
Python错误集锦:subtract()做图像减法时提示图像的大小或通道数不一致:error: (-209:Sizes of input arguments do not match) The operation is neither ‘array op array’ (where arrays have the same size and the same number of channels), nor ‘array op scalar’, nor ‘scalar op array’ in function ‘cv::arithm_op’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5823 错误提示: 使用open… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:subtract()做图像减法时提示图像的大小或通道数不一致:error: (-209:Sizes of input arguments do not match) The operation is neither ‘array op array’ (where arrays have the same size and the same number of channels), nor ‘array op scalar’, nor ‘scalar op array’ in function ‘cv::arithm_op’
Python错误集锦:jupyter中opencv imshow()、waitKey()显示图片后无法关闭窗口
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5850 错误提示: … 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:jupyter中opencv imshow()、waitKey()显示图片后无法关闭窗口
Python错误集锦:OpenCV addWeighted()提示 Argument ‘gamma’ can not be treated as a double
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5903 错误提示: 用OpenC… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV addWeighted()提示 Argument ‘gamma’ can not be treated as a double
Python错误集锦:OpenCV图像用numpy方式进行转置后显示imshow()提示Invalid number of channels in input image:
原文链接: http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-opencv-numpy… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV图像用numpy方式进行转置后显示imshow()提示Invalid number of channels in input image:
Python错误集锦:OpenCV-Python做通道分离时提示ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5715 错误提示: … 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV-Python做通道分离时提示ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)
Python错误集锦:OpenCV createTrackbar()创建滑动条提示TypeError: on_change must be callable
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-opencv-create… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV createTrackbar()创建滑动条提示TypeError: on_change must be callable
Python错误集锦:VideoCapture从视频文件读取并显示时报错error: (-215:Assertion failed) size.width>0 && size.height>0 in function ‘cv::imshow’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-opencv-videoc… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:VideoCapture从视频文件读取并显示时报错error: (-215:Assertion failed) size.width>0 && size.height>0 in function ‘cv::imshow’
Python错误集锦:OpenCV进行图像加减乘除操作时Overload resolution failed:Argument ‘dtype’ is required to be an integer ,Argument ‘scale’ can not be treated as a double
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5921 错误提示: OpenCV… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV进行图像加减乘除操作时Overload resolution failed:Argument ‘dtype’ is required to be an integer ,Argument ‘scale’ can not be treated as a double
Python错误集锦:OpenCV add运算时报错error: (-5:Bad argument) When the input arrays in add/subtract/multiply/divide functions have different types, the output array type must be explicitly specified in function ‘cv::arithm_op’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/5921 错误提示: OpenCV… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV add运算时报错error: (-5:Bad argument) When the input arrays in add/subtract/multiply/divide functions have different types, the output array type must be explicitly specified in function ‘cv::arithm_op’
Python错误集锦:OpenCV resize()缩放图片 error: (-215:Assertion failed) inv_scale_x > 0 in function ‘cv::resize’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/6237 错误提示: resize… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:OpenCV resize()缩放图片 error: (-215:Assertion failed) inv_scale_x > 0 in function ‘cv::resize’
Python错误集锦:csv模块写入记录提示ValueError: dict contains fields not in fieldnames: ‘age’
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-csv-valueerro… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:csv模块写入记录提示ValueError: dict contains fields not in fieldnames: ‘age’
Python错误集锦:AttributeError: partially initialized module ‘numpy’ has no attribute ‘ones’ (most likely due to a circular import)
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/3930 错误提示: 调用nump… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:AttributeError: partially initialized module ‘numpy’ has no attribute ‘ones’ (most likely due to a circular import)
Python错误集锦:str.encode()提示LookupError: unknown encoding: utf16LE
原文链接: http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-str-encode-l… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:str.encode()提示LookupError: unknown encoding: utf16LE
Python错误集锦:sqlite3插入记录提示:IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: table_juzicode._id
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/archives/3986 错误提示: 下列代码第2… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:sqlite3插入记录提示:IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: table_juzicode._id
Python错误集锦:logging模块时提示ValueError: unsupported format character ‘(‘ (0x28) at index 2
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-logging-value… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦:logging模块时提示ValueError: unsupported format character ‘(‘ (0x28) at index 2
Python错误集锦: 调用random.choice()发生IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence
原文链接:http://www.juzicode.com/python-error-random-choice… 继续阅读 Python错误集锦: 调用random.choice()发生IndexError: Cannot choose from an empty sequence